The Let's Play Archive

Exit Fate

by TheOneAndOnlyT

Part 29: The Path Forward

Welcome back. Last time on Exit Fate, we were convicted of treason against Zelmony, but our friends intervened and rescued us from the courthouse before we could be detained. Following that, we retreated to Elysium and fought off the Matrech Guard as they attempted to capture us. Daniel is still a free man, but he's now a man without a country. Where do we go from here? It's time to find out.

Music: None

Your men are confused. They want to know what's going on, but you won't tell them. I estimate that a few hundred men have already packed and left. If you wait any longer, this number will increase exponentially.
You're right, but...

I wanted to help Zelmony, but I'll never be able to go back now. Again, I've been made into a traitor for crimes I never committed. It would've been one thing if they just didn't understand my actions, but they just used it as an excuse to get rid of me. I know I have no other choice than to disband the Elysium army, but... it's all I have left. Without Elysium, I'm nothing. It's sad, but I just don't know what to do.
I understand that, but these people have the right to know what's going on, even if it causes them all to leave. You don't have a choice. The reason I'm here is because the captain has just released a statement. I haven't made it public yet, but I will have to do it sooner or later.
A statement?

However, anyone who fails to comply will be considered a traitor to the State Union. Aside from you, everyone is eligible. They are trying to isolate you by putting your men with their backs to the wall.

As soon as this gets out, everyone will leave me. There's no point in staying anymore if there's nothing we can do. The Elysium army is finished. ... It's over.

Can you leave us alone for a moment?
Of course.

Music: Reflection - Chrono Trigger, "At the Bottom of the Night"

There is a deep-rooted mutual hatred between the two countries. It may not always show clearly, but it's definitely there. You're evidence of that. As soon as they got an opportunity to convict you, they did it.
No, you aren't right. You can talk all about how it's impossible to coexist, but at least I tried instead of immediately advocating the conquest of Zelmony. In fact, it's not even about me. Even if I failed, that doesn't mean it's impossible. My choices may not have been the best either.
The path you want to take may sound good, but it just doesn't work in the world we live in. This struggle isn't going to end until one side comes out victorious.

I know you're not the same as them, Jovian. You want to put an end to the constant war between Kirgard and Zelmony too. But it doesn't work like that. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe it's not possible to convince everyone through words alone. But you're wrong too. To the people here, you're no different from all those warlords before you who fought for their own reasons.

So what's the solution, then?
I don't know. Maybe this conflict has been going on for so long because there is no solution.

Team up together?
Zelmony is approaching its end. It's almost inevitable now, especially now that they can't rely on the Elysium army.

Maybe the solution is somewhere in the middle.
No... It's not necessary. Kirgard has been weakened too much to continue the war. We can finally put an end to it now. It's time to forge a long-lasting peace between the two countries. In their current situations, they can't refuse.

The news...?
This war is far from over yet.

Oh for fuck's sake, why is everyone involved in this war such a goddamned moron!?

What!? But... I don't understand. They could've ended the war here. By doing this, they're announcing that they will now be on the offensive as well. Now Kirgard will not stop until they're at the gates of Matrech. How can they do this in their situation? It's... suicide.
And do you know what the worst part is? It's because of you that they've gone this far. You are now a traitor of the worst kind to them. In their view, they welcomed you into their country only for you to stab them in the back. "After all we've done for him, this is how he repays us?" That is what they're thinking. It doesn't matter what your intentions were. They've already made sure that the majority will see you as an enemy.

That's right, you gave them hope. You showed them that Kirgard can be defeated. Now that same hope is turning them against you. "Kirgard has shown once again that they can't be trusted. If we don't stand up to them now, they'll walk all over us some day." It's... in our nature to think that way.

If you and I join forces, we can do it. We can put an end to the hatred.
Up till now, regardless of how hard it's been, I could always just do what I thought was "right". I thought that if I just kept making the choices I considered "right", I could achieve my goals. But now... it seems that's not enough. I've been too naive. I didn't realize that some people would not understand no matter what.

At first it was just a sense of doubt, but it slowly grew into distrust and further. I blamed you simply because I had nothing else to blame it on, and that was the wrong thing to do. After talking to Angel, I realized it was me who had changed, not you. The longer we'd been apart, the more my view of you changed into something worse.
I can't imagine what it was like for you, but at the same time, I couldn't understand why you'd blame me.
It's because of all the things you said to me back in St. Reinard. We were similar in the sense that we both had dreams we wanted to accomplish. All that time, I was just thinking, "How far would he go to achieve his goals? Would he set up a close friend just to fulfill his dreams?"
I see what you mean... If I had to choose between sacrificing my friends or never being able to pursue my dreams ever again...

We may have had different opinions, but not once did I consider you an obstacle.
Then... I'm sorry for thinking you did.
People make strange choices under pressure. I think the only one of us who'd put our friendship above everything else is Angel.
Angel... Are you angry at her now?
I should be, but...

But Jovian... even if I joined your side, what about the Kelsinger incident? I'm still being held responsible for it.

As long as you're on our side again, it'll be fine. We'll back you up.
But... what if it turns out to have been me all along?
What do you mean?
Angel told me about it, Jovian, about the times I did things without remembering any of it. What if something similar happened at Kelsinger Pass?

In any case, even if you went out of control like before, why were our men under attack from soldiers? I don't know what really happened, but I do know that it had to have been prepared in advance. It's nothing like those times...
Tell me, Jovian. What happened to me at that time?

... But if it wasn't me, and it wasn't you, then who was it?
I don't know, but we'll have plenty of time to find out once the war is over, won't we? So, have you made up your mind yet?
That's right. I have to make a decision.

Fade to black...

Music: Elysium - Chrono Trigger, "Frog's Theme (Orchestral Version)"

You may have heard rumors about what has happened or what's going to happen, but what I'm about to tell you is the truth, and nothing less. Before anything else, I want you to know that the Captain of the Matrech Guard has issued a statement to all of you. Any one of you who returns to Matrech before the end of the week will not be held responsible for what has happened here at Elysium. Those of you who choose to stay, however, will await the same fate as me: to be considered traitors of the State Union.

Now, most of you were present when we stood between the State Army and the Kirgard third legion, and the rest of you will have surely heard about it by now. If you were there, you must've also heard what I said at that time. The war will not end until we stop antagonizing each other.

There are some battles that must be fought, even when the goal is peace. At the start of the war, Kirgard had to be shown the power of the State Union before they could be convinced to withdraw. But when I stood there between the two opposing sides, I knew this was not a battle that had to be fought. I did not want any of you, no Zelmonian and no Kirgardian, to throw away their lives.

And do you know what happened to me after that? I was arrested to stand trial. But it was no fair trial. I explained my choices as well as I could, but the case had already been decided. False witnesses claimed I had plans to overthrow the State Union and seize power myself. Do any of you, the people I've worked with closely, believe that? They convicted me for treason, purely to silence me. They were deaf to all my arguments. All they saw was that I am from Kirgard, and I was no longer dancing to their tunes.

At the same time, General Knight here, the one whose plans for conquest I ruined, set off to rescue me. If it weren't for him, you would never have heard from me again. Do any of you think that I'm lying? That I was conspiring with him all along? If that were true, Matrech would already be a Kirgard province by now! No, even though this man rescued me, I did not want to help Kirgard. I wanted peace. But that is no longer possible.

Do you understand what this means? Up until now it had been a one-sided battle. Zelmony was only defending their own territory. This declaration changes everything. It gives Kirgard a justification to fight on. It will do nothing more than increase the strife between our countries and hurt the State Union even more! When you hear this, can you truly say that the State Union is acting in your best interests? Up till now, I believed that if we could make Zelmony strong enough to force an end to the war, we could improve relations diplomatically. Meanwhile, my friend Jovian here wanted to unite the two countries by force, believing that the only way to bring peace was to bring all of us under a single leadership.

Do you want to bring an end not just to this war, but also to centuries of hatred between our countries? Do you want everyone to live together in peace? Then join me! The State Union is heading towards certain death, and its people can no longer depend on its government! Let's bring a swift end to this conflict, and rebuild this country in a way that mirrors what the State Union was originally meant to represent!

There's no need to decide right away. I've asked the State Army to send an envoy in two days to safely take anyone who wishes to leave with them. I repeat this once again: I will force none of you to follow me. You've done so much for me already, I will not hold it against you if you decide to back out now. But remember this: the State Union of Zelmony will not win this war. They have betrayed me, and they have betrayed their people.

You've made a lot of promises... Are you sure you'll be able to keep them?
I'll continue to fight on their behalf. It's the least I can do...

Fade to black...

Music: None

Yes, what do I think...? For men like us, it'd be only natural to return to Matrech, wouldn't it? Then why do I have my doubts?
That's how it goes. Sometimes you just have to go against your own nature.
You sound like you've already decided.

That man will not settle for anything less than he promised. He's finally had a chance to show his true nature, and now he's going to become unstoppable. Trust me.
So is that it? Are we just joining the winning side?
Does it really matter, as long as you fight for something you believe in?

Fade to black...

Oh, it's you...

No, it's me who should be sorry. I was the one who told you to take him in.
You only gave me the advice. I was the one who followed it. Have I made the wrong decision, Ljusalf?
I think it was inevitable... although perhaps we should have seen it coming.
Ryan, you know that Daniel has been wrongfully convicted. Isn't there anything you can do to set it right?
It's hopeless. There are many here in Matrech who are glad to see him gone, even though they fail to realize the consequences. All I could do is pardon him... but that would mean the end of me. My influence is waning already.

Ryan... I came here to ask something of you.

Zelmony is surrounded by enemies. A large number of Daniel's men may return, but Elysium will continue to be a considerable force.
So it's a lost battle, huh?
If you persist, it will be a bloody one. By resigning, you would break up the State Union and end it instantly.
So you too, now... You too believe that Zelmony has to vanish.
Nations mean little to me, Ryan. This would be the fastest way to end the conflict.

I see... I wonder...

Fade to black...

Music: Elysium - Chrono Trigger, "Frog's Theme (Orchestral Version)"

Considering the circumstances, it's all proceeding very calmly.
Do you have any numbers yet? How many people will be staying behind?

Read: we haven't lost any party members. Kickass.

Half of them? That's a relief.. I was afraid I was going to lose everyone... But what about you? Shouldn't you be going back to the capital?

Y'know, Carson hasn't had a lot of story significance, but he really is the fucking man. The dude handles basically everything of importance for us and it's clear from this line here that he won't be going anywhere anytime soon, even when given the opportunity. Keep up the good work

He hasn't? That's strange... What do you think that means? Is it a hint from the chancellor that he still supports me?
It's not in my place to say. I'm only an administrator.

Oh hey, it's Beau! Uhhh... sorry about that whole running away thing. That can't have reflected well on you.

Ah, so that's it. I heard that someone from Matrech was going around trying to convince the people outside to stay here.
That was you? Why did you come here?

I admire you and the way you stick to your principles, Mr. Vinyard. I may not be a soldier, but I love this country dearly. I've decided to help you fight this terrible corruption.

Hey, so, remember how back when we got Naja, I said that she was filling the niche of "speedy mage"? Well Beau just kicked her out and took her place. With a fantastic SPD rating and MAG on par with Ljusalf and Yan Angwa's, not to mention an enviable MP+, Beau is your man if you want to get magic out in a hurry. As with most mages, his physical stats aren't anything special, but there's not really much that can be done about that.

Unlike our other mages, though, Beau is a straight badass when it comes to his attack. Look at that guy. Granted, he'll probably never hit anything, but the dude clearly has no compunctions about whacking the shit out of enemies when the situation calls for it.

Well, Jovian is waiting for me in the meeting hall, so I'd better get going.

Fade to black...

Did you hear, Jovian? Fifty percent of Elysium will continue to follow me. I never expected I could convince so many people.
Yeah, I've heard. It's great news. It's also one thing we need to talk about. The people in your old division of the third legion have all agreed to accept your command again. If we add those to the Elysium army, you'll have quite a lot of people under you. Even though you're still officially a colonel, Keyser and I decided you should get some special privileges.

The Elysium army will not officially be a part of the Kirgard royal forces, so we had to improvise. You and your men are more like an allied army to us.
General Keyser, does that mean you'll resume command of the second legion?

Keyser's too much of an asset for anyone in Kirgard to accuse him of treason. We're far away enough from the royal court that we're the ones calling the shots anyway. Anyway, I'll temporarily station the whole third legion here at Elysium, just in case Zelmony tries anything.

Like Angel and Fitch (and for that matter, all other "returning" party members), Jovian is still exactly as we left him. And I mean exactly--the man still has not healed the injuries he got from the bandit cave all those updates ago. In terms of how he compares to the rest of our party, Jovian is probably most similar to Ayara, with nearly identical strength, speed, and skill. His main asset is that he's one of the few characters with two A-rank relations (and by the by, Daniel and Angel both reciprocate those as well as having B-rank relations with each other), so we can easily power him up by putting him in the right party.

General Leonius is still there, and we'll be discussing how to deal with Zelmony with him.
Harlinton City... haven't been there in awhile. Let's go, then. We can take a boat to Bayside and go to Harlinton from there.

Next time: Dogs, dumb minibosses, and... death metal?